Phototherapy was created to recreate the beneficial effects of the sun . This method is often used to treat certain skin types. In particular, skin with acne problems, contact dermatitis, vitiligo, psoriasis and atopic dermatitis are treated.
To understand each other, we will first try to explain what acne really is and the typical symptoms that appear and we will try to understand how a treatment such as phototherapy can be useful in cases like these.

Acne can appear during adolescence due to hormonal activity which causes an increase in the volume of the sebaceous glands, which produce an oily secretion called sebum. Basically, sebum is produced to protect the skin from infections, but sometimes it could cause an opposite effect in predisposed subjects, both for genetic causes and for environmental and hygienic factors, causing irritation which leads to the formation of what takes the name of blackhead, commonly called " blackheads ". The comedone blocks the passage of sebum through the glands, preventing it from reaching the surface of the skin. Sebum is composed of fats which, when deposited, decompose and cause irritation. This causes bacterial proliferation and sometimes the follicle is completely destroyed, leaving a permanent scar. People with acne very often believe that washing frequently with excessive amounts of soap can relieve and eliminate surface sebum, but this is absolutely not true, so without knowing it they worsen their acne. The same also applies to the "squeezing" of the blackheads which "displaces" the infection by widening the inflammation.
The most common symptoms are the appearance of comedones or blackheads, boils or cysts, especially if the onset occurs in adulthood.
Why resort to phototherapy?
Light is a form of “wave” energy. The various colors of light are determined by their wavelength. Light has been used for therapeutic purposes since ancient times. Today we know the components of natural light most useful for stimulating skin care. This has led to the construction of optical instruments capable of producing various types of “medically useful” light. And here, we bring you back to the importance of our LED MASK .